1: Pre-Design
Pre-Design is the first of our six phases of design.
In the Pre-Design (or Research) Phase, we begin our partnership with you to understand where you are and where you’d like to go so we can collaborate on a plan to get you there.
2: Schematic Design
Schematic Design is the second phase of the design process.
In the Schematic Design (or Idea) Phase, we start with your goals and your wish list to begin exploring possibilities through sketches and 3D renderings. By the end of this phase we’ve established the floor plan and an overarching concept for the project.
3: Design Development
Design Development the Decision phase is the third step of the design process.
In this phase, we dive into the details of the project, select materials, and fixtures, finalize floor plans, and hardline the drawings. Next up we’ll refine everything as we complete the construction documents.
4: Construction Documents
In the Construction Documents Phase, we refine the design and develop the drawings further to include all the information the contractor will need to build from.
This involves finalizing finish and fixture selections, thorough documentation, and honing in the details. Once the construction set is issued, the contractor can begin the building process.
5: Construction Administration
Phase 5 in our Design Process is Construction Administration. This is when construction begins, and the vision truly starts to become a reality.
In this phase, we are visiting the site, providing details, and engaged in ongoing collaboration with the contractor to ensure the design intent is being executed.
6: Reality
Phase 6 in our Design Process is the final phase where you get to settle in and finally enjoy your new space. Congrats! 🎉
We assist in helping you select furnishings and finalize all the details to ensure your project comes together as planned.